Call by Value and Call by Address difference?

Call by value is a method of passing arguments to a function where the actual value of the argument is copied into a new variable, which is then passed to the function’s formal parameters. This means that any changes to the value of the formal parameter within the function do not affect the original value of the variable.

In contrast, call by address (or call by reference) is a method of passing arguments to a function where the memory address of the argument is passed. This means that any changes to the value of the parameter within the function affect the original value of the variable, since they both refer to the same memory location.

The difference between the actual parameters and the formal parameters in function declaration is that the actual parameters are the values that are passed to the function when it is called, while the parameters in function declaration are the formal parameters that will hold those values within the function.

Pointers: -

pointers are the variables that are used to store the address of another variable.

Pointers are variables that store the memory address of another variable. They are often used in programming to allow functions to modify the values of variables outside of their own scope by passing a pointer to the variable as an argument, this is often known as call by address. This allows for more efficient memory management, as well as greater flexibility in passing data between functions.